In cooperation with the fab-o-lab oldenburg we have supported a workshop especially for teachers in lower saxony. Twelve teachers from the metropolian area around oldenburg have taken part in the workshop which took place from 05.09.2014 – 07.09.2014 in the new rooms of the fab-o-lab oldenburg. Thanks to Patrick and all the supporters of the fab-o-lab we had some great days with lots of interesting conversation and a wonderful mood. The teachers have build the joseb 3d printer which is 100% compatible to the printmate3d in two days. The big difference is the joseb community that gives teachers the possibility to communicate with other teachers that are using 3d printers in their schools. On sunday the participants had the chance to get to know the workflow CAD to the printed part.
Alle Beiträge von Jonas Schwarz

Treefrog by MorenaP printed @ 50 micron z-resolution
We were stoked when we saw the treefrog of MorenaP on for the first time. Our first attempts to print with 50 microns z-resolution where basically made with single perimeter vases (check out our gallery) .
The treefrog is a perfect object for first attempts with multiple perimeters and 50 microns layer height. The first print came out quite well. Nevertheless we tried to increase the print speed for perimeters up to 60mm/s when we realized that additional cooling is required. Therefor the new batch of printers will be equipped with a bigger fan (60mm).

printMATE 3D prints flexible Filament
We got a sample of flexible Filament from our partners from iGo3D. Its called „Filaflex“ and is distributed by Recreus from Spain.
Our first test to print the small gear of the wade extruder was quite disappointing. The filament got stuck in the hot end due to high friction between the elastic filament and the sidewalls of the hot end and the channel to the hot end within the extruder. Furthermore the distance between the hobbed bolt and the channel in the extruder body is too big so that the elastic filament had enough space to get out of alignment.
In order to extrude filaflex reliable we redesigned the extruder, especially the channel between the hobbed bolt and the hot end. Our first test print using the slic3r profiles from the recreus homepage is a handycover for a samsung mobile phone. Without further optimizations bridges and even steep overhangs could be printed.